Behind the BRAVE
Some of the works in this show engage directly with the world around us, exploring experiences of bravery that are both personal and universal. Ancestors who stood for civil rights and broke new paths for women fill the stage. Ideas and body language inspired by very young protesters from the 1960s through 2021 energize the choreography. Visions of emergence from dark times reflect the resilience and potential for healing within and across our diverse communities. Throughout, BRAVE honors the qualities that underlie courage—honesty, fortitude, conviction, integrity, and compassion.

The world premiere of
We Stand with Those Who Stood,
by choreographer Travis Gatling. This work captures the courage of social justice protesters—in Baltimore and around the world, past and present. Gatling draws inspiration especially from very young people who have stood up publicly, at risk to themselves, to push us toward a better world.
The first stage adaptation of Full Circle’s 2020 film The Healing Project.
This collaborative work choreographed by Donna L. Jacobs and Shaela Davis features an original score by Baltimore recording artist Jasmin “Jazzo” Walters. The Healing Project film reflected attempts at healing, both as individuals and as members of diverse communities, under the enormous weight of the COVID-19 pandemic and the killing of George Floyd. The new stage adaptation will stand as a testament to the courage and resilience of our communities.

The premiere of Ire by veteran Full Circle choreographer Hope B. Byers
Byers’s engagement with history, racism, and social justice across 15 years informs this work about reframing the angry Black woman narrative.
On Our Shoulders, by Nicole Tucker Smith,
celebrates the courage of our female ancestors in laying a path of progress for their daughters and granddaughters. This work honors the particular experiences of specific women in different times and places, while also conveying ways cross-generational bonds are universal.

Angels Unawares,
a Full Circle signature work and audience favorite by choreographer Travis Gatling. This technically stunning work reminds us that fear, awe, courage, and power are interconnected.