Nina Pongratz
9-5 gig: High School Dance & Theatre Teacher at McDonogh School
Salty or Sweet: Salty
Hero: My Dad
Sneakers or Heels: Sneakers
Travel bucket list: To live in Europe again
Favorite Dance Style: How to choose! Modern for learning, Musical Theatre for performing, and Ballet for teaching

Nina teaches at Morton Street Dance Center and dances with Full Circle Dance Company under the direction of Miss Donna L. Jacobs. Prior to Full Circle Dance Company, Nina danced with The Collective Baltimore, Orcha Dance Theatre, Limerick Dance Collective (Ireland), Six Meters Dance Company, and Fidget Feet Aerial Dance Company (Ireland). Nina received her BA in Dance and Media & Communications from Muhlenberg College 2013 (USA), her MA in Contemporary Dance Performance from the Irish World Academy of Music and Dance 2015 (Ireland), and her Post-Cert. in Anatomical Sciences from The University of Edinburgh 2017 (UK). Since 2019, she has been the upper school dance and theatre educator at McDonogh School where she serves as Department Chair and directs the annual musical and dance concerts. Prior to McDonogh, Nina was the Director of Dance at the Middlesex School (USA), The Independent Theatre Workshop (Ireland), and has taught at numerous schools, colleges, and universities such as Wheaton College (USA) and The University of Limerick (Ireland). With over 50 musical theatre productions under her belt, Nina has taught and choreographed around Europe and has won dance/choreography awards from Muhlenberg College, ACTF, Disneyland Paris, and received a grant from the Irish Arts Council to study and create dance curriculum for children with varying needs and mixed abilities.