Join Full Circle Dance Company for some powerful dancing under October skies in beautiful Eager Park.

This family-friendly performance is free and open to all. No reservations required. The stunning terraced park is perfect for a picnic, and its many features include a playground. We will be sharing the stage with the inspiring Radius Ensemble of the Morton Street Dance Center. These gifted young artists will move you with their athletic and emotional dancing.

Full Circle will perform excerpts from our upcoming show HOME: Longing and Belonging.
There's nothing like dancing in the open air on a beautiful stage in our home city! Hope to see you there!
Performance Details:
October 9, 2022 | 4:00 - 5:00 pm
Eager Park Pavillion
900 Block of N. Wolfe Street, Baltimore MD 21205
No reservations needed.
* This rich artistic production is supported in part by the Robert W. Deutsch Foundation, by a Communities Thrive Grant from the Baltimore Office of Promotion and the Arts, by a Creativity Grant from the Maryland State Arts Council, and by a Mark Ryder Original Choreography Grant from the Howard County Arts Council.
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